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Practice Areas


Employment & Labour Law 


Our Law Firm has participated and actively participates in individual and collective labour disputes, in both the public and the private sector, by way of advising workers and trade unions since its inception. The experience gained over the years has been proven throughout favorable results to the clients we represent.


We believe that negotiation and ongoing dialogue of the parties can quickly solve the issues at stake. Hence, we managed to conclude a large majority of our cases through Court settlements.


In Employment disputes of individual character, we provide legal services on matters related to: unregistered employment relationships, lack of full payment of wages, disciplinary sanctions, licenses, layoffs and civil compensations. Similarly, with regard to labour accidents and illnesses, not only do we seek enforcement of employee's rights through compliance with the Law on Labour Risks, but also we ask for damages in the case that the employer or Labour Risk Managers do not fulfill their obligations to prevent losses.


In terms of Labour Law disputes, we provide legal counseling on the negotiation of collective agreements, exercise of the right to strike, arbitration and protection of trade union's members and representatives.

Civil & Trade Law


Our experience in Real Estate and Succession Law allows us to provide appropriate legal advice in the local market, looking for solutions based not only on litigation but also on out-of-Court negotiation.


Normally, real estate issues extend unnecessarily over time, and that is the reason why our Law Firm has preferred and recommended the sale, exchange, transfer, and any other transaction, since the obligations arising from such litigation are marketable assets in the real estate market.


Finally, we intervene in several Court cases that seek fair and adequate compensation for damages caused in all areas of human activity, with a vision of full compensation, whether physical, psychological, image, moral damages and lost profits.

Administrative Law


Our Law Firm acts also on behalf of national, provincial and municipal government employees, and against the State in wage issues, summaries, redundancies and in defense of the public administration personell.


Similarly, we defend individuals and companies in matters related to procurement, collection, penalties, and administrative contracts in general.

ICT Law 

Regulations on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), which are always either overlapping or full of legal loops, require not only a trustful and creative legal counselling, but also negotiation and litigation skills, that our Law Firm proves to have as pioneers in the northern region of Argentina on issues such as digital evidence, libel and slander on the Internet, right to privacy and data protection, copyright infringements, e-government, among others.

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